
The ADEA 2022 Triennale will be held at Le Meridien Hotel, from 19 to 21 October 2022 on a hybrid mode.
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a Pan African Organisation regrouping all fifty-four (54) Ministers of Education in Africa. It is a high-level forum for dialogue and advocacy, generating knowledge on policy formulation and implementation. The ADEA Triennale is one of the most important global events on education and training in Africa.
The Conference would bring together about twenty-five (25) Ministers of Education (National Education, Higher Education, TVET), key education stakeholders like the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, GIZ, USAID, French Cooperation and so on. Invitations have also been extended to representatives of African organisations like the African Union Commission, Regional Economic Blocks, Smart Africa Secretariat, Universities, TVET Institutions, Development Cooperation Agencies and other ADEA partners like Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, LEGO Foundation, Jacobs Foundation & MasterCard Foundation from across the African Continent.
There will be six hundred participants, of which three hundred (300) will be in presence and 300 virtual.
Preparation have already started to welcome the participants in October 2022.